Welcome to Polar

Polar will take your reading, note-taking, and learning experience to the next level.

Frequently asked questions:

What is Polar?

Polar is a reading, note-taking, and learning tool that allows you to create annotations, take notes directly out of your documents and connect your thoughts. Polar makes learning significantly more efficient, with features like creating flashcards easy from your highlights and using spaced repetition to automate your review schedules.

Is Polar Free?

Yes, Polar is free for anyone to use, with free cloud storage and access to all core features. We also offer premium plans with more cloud storage and various advanced features. For our plans, check out our plans.

Do you offer student discounts?

Yes, we offer 25% student discounts. Just reach out to us with your university email

Do you offer referral rewards?

Yes, we give you a month of free Polar Plus (Pro for existing Pro users) for every successful student referral.

Does Polar have a desktop app?

No, we currently do not have a desktop app. We have previously supported one but have discontinued it and plan to introduce a desktop app again in the future.

Can I store my Polar file and library locally?

No, all files are stored in the cloud. We plan to introduce a local solution in the future.

How Do I Import My Files?

In your document library, select File, then click add document and select either “Upload Files” or “Upload Folder”.

Is my data secure?

Your data is encrypted and kept securely in the cloud. This means that all your files will be stored completely securely, no one will have access to them. Your data is stored with privacy first in mind.

Can I backup / download my data?

Yes, you can download all your reading and annotations as a backup.

To download your reading, click on the download button in the repository view for the files you want to download.

To download your annotations, click on the download button in the annotation viewer. You can download your annotations as a JSON or markdown file.

We also support a snapshot feature in the premium tiers that allows you additionally back up all your information manually in one click.

Can I export my data?

Yes, you can export all your highlights and annotations in one click or each file from your library.You can also export your flashcards as a deck to Anki. Finally, we provide a snapshot feature where you can create a manual copy of your entire Polar content as a JSON file.

How do I export my flashcards to Anki?

Please visit Anki sync.

How do I report bugs?

Message us through our intercom, we currently have a bug bounty program where you can get Polar premium if you help us resolve bugs. See details here.

Does Polar have enterprise pricing?

Yes, please reach out to us here for details .